Guest Post: Enjoy the moment… it counts

Lifestyle Travel

In our fast paced, technology ruled world, finding time to focus can be a real burden. Social media, appointments, work schedules, family events and on top of all of that… finding time for yourself. All of this can get very overwhelming. Often the days and weeks seem to blur together, and all of the sudden you find yourself wondering, “Where has the time gone?”

Time is precious. We only have a finite amount, and once a moment has passed it’s gone forever, (not to be a debbie downer). The great thing about the moment is that it doesn’t have to be “gone forever,” it can exist for a lifetime. Whether in a memory, friendship, a feeling or a place. Taking the time to enjoy the moment is crucial to fully experiencing life.

Living in the moment is very rewarding… it’s a place where you can truly appreciate everything. Clearing your mind to fully appreciate whatever it is that makes your moment special will stay with you a lifetime. In that moment, whatever it is, you feel at peace. Fully immersing yourself will inspire creativity and better understanding of the meaning of your life.
It can be as simple as enjoying the sunset, watching a movie, seeing a friend or reading a book. Taking the time to be fully present, to enjoy every second will make the whole experience much richer. So take a few seconds, or a few minutes and pause… breathe in the air, listen to the sounds, take in the sights and enjoy the moment. For as Dr. Frankl once said,
“Ever more people today have the means to live, but no meaning to live for.”

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