Do you ever crave a specific city the way most people crave a certain food? It could be any aspect of that city such as language, architecture, mindset, weather, people…anything! Last Sunday morning I woke up with this insatiable craving for Paris. Yes, I do hear how cliché that sounds. Nonetheless, the craving was there and I was aware of the fact that packing a bag and heading over to Pearson International was not on my list of options. At the same time, I was not interested in ousting my craving. Quite the opposite actually. Just because I can’t be in Paris doesn’t mean I need to get rid of it. I believe that every mental or physical craving has its purpose. And just like a body craving certain vitamins will show signs, my travel bug showed relevant symptoms. It was craving Paris and I was obligated to provide.
I was lucky enough to have direct late morning sunlight on my little balcony so I started my Parisian inspired adventure wrapped in the softest white blanket sipping my morning espresso, basking in the sun’s natural heat. Despite Toronto’s winter efforts, the full sunlight and lack of wind made for the perfect leisurely morning outdoors. I imagined I was one of those French girls sitting on her architecturally stunning balcony in a silk robe, sipping her espresso, purposefully living her best life. Then I put on a playlist with the best joie de vivre vibes I could find and slowly assembled the brunch of Instagram dreams. A brie and ham croissant, soft boiled egg, side salad and mimosa. I sat there without my phone, not planning my next move, but tasting every single bite. After my long morning, I spent the afternoon on the phone catching up with relatives, blogging, reading and resting. This leisurely attitude translated to my meal prep routine for the week, resulting in balanced meals that demand the same leisure and purpose for consumption.
This day taught me several valuable lessons. First and foremost, that in the productivity driven culture I live in, my body was in desperate need of slowing down and travel memories of Paris seemed to be the only way to get through to my brainwashed mind. It reminded me that multitasking is neither a natural nor a sustainable activity and that there is incredible value in focusing my energy on one thing at a time and savoring the moment. Similarly, quality takes time, both going into creating something and coming out of enjoying something. Whether it’s cooking a meal, writing a post, building a timeless wardrobe, growing a business or anything else, doing it purposefully and putting in the required time is the magic ingredient in the final product’s quality. In the same way, sipping your morning coffee before work, tasting the flavors in every bite of your meal, listening to every sound of your favorite song, etc. creates quality in the experience and as a result adds a sense of accomplishment to even the most insignificant of tasks.
Are you craving some daily Parisian quality?

A lovely outlook on life!
A lovely outlook on life! Well written.
Thank you!
I crave cities too! That made so much sense for me. Great post
Glad to hear! Can’t wait till we can travel again <3